Magento multi fields validator for RIB

Magento come with a great form validator : VarienForm. These is a lot of existing validator, for every usage and you can easyly add some. This is how you can do it with a commun example, how to check RIB bank account.

First, our html code

<ul class="inlineblockli">
		<label for="code_bank_pb"><?php echo $this->__('bank code') ?></label>
                <input type="text" class="inputText inputTextB validate-digits required-entry validate-length minimum-length-5 maximum-length-5" id="code_bank_pb" maxlength="5" name="prelevement[code_bank_pb]">
		<label for="code_guichet_pb"><?php echo $this->__('branch code') ?></label>
                <input type="text" class="inputText inputTextB validate-digits required-entry validate-length minimum-length-5 maximum-length-5" id="code_guichet_pb" maxlength="5" name="prelevement[code_guichet_pb]">
		<label for="num_compte"><?php echo $this->__('Account number to be debited') ?></label>
                <input type="text" class="inputText inputTextBig3 validate-digits required-entry validate-length minimum-length-11 maximum-length-11" id="num_compte" maxlength="11" name="prelevement[num_compte]">
		<label for="key_rib"><?php echo $this->__('RIB key') ?></label>
                <input type="text" class="inputText inputTextSm3 validate-digits required-entry validate-compte validate-length minimum-length-2 maximum-length-2" id="key_rib" maxlength="2" name="prelevement[key_rib]">

We first do a lenght validation with these 3 class : validate-length minimum-length-11 maximum-length-11

Then we validate the rib with this class : validate-compte
You will tell me this validator doesn’t exeist. That’s right, let’s create it.

<script type="text/javascript">
            ['validate-compte', '<?php echo Mage::helper('rating')->__('Please check your RIB account') ?>', function(v) {
                var code_banque = jQuery('#code_bank_pb').val();
                var code_guichet = jQuery('#code_guichet_pb').val();
                var numero_compte = jQuery('#num_compte').val();
                var cle           = jQuery('#key_rib').val();

                var CompteTmp = code_banque + code_guichet + numero_compte + cle;

                while(CompteTmp.length > 9)
                    var CompteTmp2 = CompteTmp.substr(0,9) % 97;
                    CompteTmp = CompteTmp2 + CompteTmp.substr(9,CompteTmp.length);
                var CompteTmp2 = CompteTmp.substr(0,9) % 97;

                if(CompteTmp2 % 97 == 0)
                    return true;
                return false;

Some explainations :


Magento use prototype, tu use jQuery, use jQuery instead of $

For the multi field validation, I grab the different fields from this

var code_banque   = jQuery('#code_bank_pb').val();
var code_guichet  = jQuery('#code_guichet_pb').val();
var numero_compte = jQuery('#num_compte').val();
var cle           = jQuery('#key_rib').val();

I don’t know if this is the cleaner way to do (not really usable for another code) but it works.
If you always use the same input id, you can reuse this code on another site.

Using GnuPG with PHP

GnuPG is a great tool to encrypt texts and files and you can use it with PHP, only if you install it succesfully.

First, you will get this error : Fatal error: Class ‘gnupg’ not found in ….

OK the lib is not installed, do it with pecl

pecl install gnupg

But you will also have this error :

configure: error: Please reinstall the gpgme distribution
ERROR: `/tmp/pear/temp/gnupg/configure' failed

You need to install the libgpgme too !!!

apt-get install libgpgme11-dev

Now retry to install gnupg

pecl install gnupg

It should be OK.

Don’t forget to modify your php.ini file to load the extension

And of course, restart your apache web server

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

javascript get formated date time

There is no date time format function for javascript not using external libs. You have to do it yourself.
Here an examples for french format YYYY-mm-dd_HH:mm:ss

var curr = new Date();
var year = curr.getFullYear();
var month = (((curr.getMonth()+1) < 10)?'0:'') + (curr.getMonth()+1)
var day = ((curr.getDate() < 10)?'0':'')+curr.getDate()
var hour = ((curr.getHours() < 10)?'0':'')+curr.getHours()
var minute = ((curr.getMinutes() < 10)?'0':'')+curr.getMinutes()
var seconde = ((curr.getSeconds() < 10)?'0':'')+curr.getSeconds()

var output = year+'-'+month+'-'+day+'_'+hour+':'+minute+':'+seconde;