An important function is missing on twig : file_exists.
I will show you here how to define a new function for twig.
On your namespace/bundle, add a Twig/Extension directory and create your class file :
namespace Adin\ArlogisBundle\Twig\Extension;
class FileExistsExtension extends \twig_Extension
*Return the function registered as twig extension
*@return array
public function getFunctions()
return array(
'file_exists' => new \Twig_Function_Function('file_exists'),
public function getName()
return 'adin_file_exists';
You then have to register your service, add a in your /Adin/ArlogisBundle/Ressources/config/services.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<service id="adin.twig.tripix_extension" class="Adin\ArlogisBundle\Twig\Extension\FileExistsExtension">
<tag name="twig.extension" />
It’s ready, you can use it on your twig template
{% if file_exists('/var/www/image.jpg') %}
File exists
{% else %}
File not exists
{% endif %}
Be carefull, you need to specify the absolute path of the file. You can create a twig global variable root_path.
# Twig Configuration
root_path: %kernel.root_dir%/../web
Then on twig template
{% if file_exists({{root_path}}'/var/www/image.jpg') %}
File exists
{% else %}
File not exists
{% endif %}